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Remote control operated Ceiling fan settings
Disconnect the fans that turn the fan on. Remove the fan and set it apart.
When your fan remote control buttons stop responding or work intermittently. It is very disappointing that the fan on button works, but the fan off button stops answering and there is no way to stop the fan… This happens because the contacts inside the remote are dirty. Once cleaned the reaction with the touch of the remote wings.
When your fan remote control buttons stop responding or work intermittently. It is very disappointing that the fan on button works, but the fan off button stops answering and there is no way to stop the fan… This happens because the contacts inside the remote are dirty. Once cleaned the reaction with the touch of the remote wings.
पंखे को चालू करने वाले तारों को डिस्कनेक्ट करें। प्रशंसक निकालें और इसे अलग सेट करें।
जब आपके फैन रिमोट कंट्रोल के बटन जवाब देना बंद कर देते हैं, या रुक-रुक कर काम करते हैं। यह बहुत निराशाजनक है कि फैन ऑन बटन काम करता है, लेकिन फैन ऑफ बटन जवाब देना बंद कर देता है और फैन को बंद करने का कोई तरीका नहीं है। । ऐसा इसलिए होता है क्योंकि रिमोट के अंदर संपर्क गंदे होते हैं। एक बार साफ करने के बाद, रिमोट पंख के स्पर्श के साथ प्रतिक्रिया करता ह
After removing the battery cover and 9-volt battery, undo the two screws that are holding the cover together, and use a small, thin, arguments to remove the back cover.
If your ceiling fan makes a noise then you can change its bearings.
Ceiling Fan Bearings Replacement tips
1- Remove all the screws.
2- First of all open ceiling fan motor with a soft hand.and avoid to use a hammer.
3- Varnish the motor as soon as possible. with motor varnish, you motor winding will be not shot.
4- disconnect the motor winding wires
5- if You need to change the bearings then please pull the bearings with bearing puller.
6- you can choose different bearings puller as your requirement
7- if you think you bearings is in good condition,then you can Grease YOUR FANS BEARING
8- Don’t forget to check the motor winding circuit.
9- Fitting the motor carefully
10- check its finally and enjoy if you got success.
2- First of all open ceiling fan motor with a soft hand.and avoid to use a hammer.
3- Varnish the motor as soon as possible. with motor varnish, you motor winding will be not shot.
4- disconnect the motor winding wires
5- if You need to change the bearings then please pull the bearings with bearing puller.
6- you can choose different bearings puller as your requirement
7- if you think you bearings is in good condition,then you can Grease YOUR FANS BEARING
8- Don’t forget to check the motor winding circuit.
9- Fitting the motor carefully
10- check its finally and enjoy if you got success.
After removing the battery cover and 9-volt battery, undo the two screws that are holding the cover together and use a small, thin, arguments to remove the back cover.
बैटरी कवर और 9 volt बैटरी को निकालने के बाद, कवर को एक साथ रखने वाले दो स्क्रू को पूर्ववत करें, और पीछे के कवर को हटाने के लिए एक छोटे, पतले, दलीलों का उपयोग करें
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