Hello Everyone I’m Raj In This Induction Motor Winding I will show you how to Rewind 1.5Hp Single Phase Induction Motor Winding |1.5 Hp Electric Motor |Electric Motor|Ac Motor 1.5hp single phase induction motor winding data.
हेल्लो दोस्तों यह एक 1.5 HP की सिंगल फेज मोटर है आज हम इस मोटर की वाइंडिंग करना सीखेंगे.इस पोस्ट में आपको 1.5 Hp Single Phase Motor & HP की मोटर का पूरा डाटा बताया गया है साथ में आप इस 1.5HP की मोटर की वाइंडिंग का विडियो भी देख सकते है और हा इस पोस्ट की अंत में इस 1.5HP की मोटर वाइंडिंग कनेक्शन डायग्राम देखना न भूले .
In this post, we have explained the Rewinding of a Single Phase induction motor and also shown the Single-phase motor connection diagram,
In This Post We Are Also Covered.
- Electric Motor|Ac Motor
- Technical Topic.
- Induction Motor Winding.
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- 1.5hp 32 slot motor winding
- Single-phase motor winding
- 1.5 hp four pole motor winding.
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- induction motor winding
- Electric motor winding
- Single-phase AC motor winding
- motor winding by Technical Topic.
- 1.5Hp Single Phase Induction Motor Winding.
1.5 Hp Single Phase Motor?
For the single-phase motor we have also shown the Induction Motor connections with a capacitor of a single-Phace motor and also In the same, how you can set the single-Phace motor clutch plate is also mentioned.

How to Open Single Phase Ac Motor?
in this article, you can easily see how to open a single-phase induction AC motor 1Hp Single Phase Induction Motor Winding |1 Hp Electric Motor |Electric Motor| AC Motor by Technical Topic.1 Hp 1440 Rpm 36 Slot.
1.5 Hp Motor Winding Data
1.5 HP, 1440 RPM, 36 स्लॉट मोटर के लिए वाइंडिंग डेटा मोटर के प्रकार, फेज, वोल्टेज और अन्य विशिष्टताओं पर निर्भर करता है। आम तौर पर, इस तरह की मोटर के लिए कॉपर वायर का गेज, टर्न प्रति कॉइल, और वाइंडिंग कनेक्शन का पैटर्न जैसी जानकारी की आवश्यकता होती है। सटीक डेटा प्राप्त करने के लिए, मोटर के नाम प्लेट पर दी गई जानकारी या मोटर निर्माता से संपर्क करना सबसे अच्छा है।
Ac Motor Details
- Input Volt = 220 Volt Ac.
- Rpm = 1440
- Pole = 4
- Total Running Coil = 4 Coils
- Total Starting Coil =4 Coils.
- Capacitor = 100/120 Starting Capacitor.
- Motor Type = Induction Motor.
- Hp = 1.5
- Winding Wire = Copper Wire.
1.5Hp Induction Motor Winding Data.
Induction Motor Running Winding Data (Primary)
Coil Pitch (Primary) | 1-3 | 1-5 | 1-7 | 1-9 |
Coil Turn. | 26 | 40 | 40 | 54 |
1.5 HP Induction Motor Wire Number?
Wire Number (Primary) | 19+19 Double [ Copper ] |
Running Winding weight | 450+4 =1.800kg |
1.5 Hp Winding Data Of Induction Motor. ( Starting )
Coil Pitch (Secondary) | 1-6 | 1-8 | 1-10 |
Coil Turns | 35 | 40 | 45 |
Wire Number (Seciondary) | 22 Number Single Copper |
Winding Weight | 140+4 = 560. |
induction motor
Electric Motor Capacitor.
Ac Motors otherwise called nonconcurrent motors, utilize a pivoting attractive field to deliver force. Three-stage motors are often utilized because they are reliable and practical. The turning attractive field is effortlessly accomplished in three-stage offbeat motors because the stage point counterbalance between the individual stages is 120 degrees.
single-stage AC motors need outside hardware that creates the stage point counter to deliver a pivoting attractive field. This hardware can be acknowledged by utilizing progressed power electronic gear, or all the more simply using a motor capacitor. The film beneath shows an easy-to-comprehend clarification of the working guidelines of the AC enlistment motor.
In This Article, You Can Get The Complete Information about The Right Value Of Any Capacitor.
How Can I Find The Right Value Of Capacitor For Any Motor?
Ac Induction Motor Start Capacitor.
One approach to enhance the single-loop design is by utilizing a helper curl in arrangement with a motor turning over a capacitor. The assistant loop additionally called the beginning curl, is utilized to make an underlying turning attractive field. So as to make a turning attractive field, the current coursing through the primary winding must be out of the stage concerning the current moving through the assistant winding.
The job of the beginning capacitor is to slack the present from the assistant winding, rescuing these two flows once again from the stage. At the point when the rotor arrives at a satisfactory speed, the helper loop is separated from the circuit by methods for an outward switch, and the motor stays controlled by a solitary curl building up a throbbing attractive field. In this sense
Ac Motor Running And Starting Capacitor Difference.
Running Capacitor.
Some single-stage AC engine plans utilize engine-run capacitors, which are left connected to the assistant curl after the beginning capacitor is detached by the diffusive switch. These structures work by making a pivoting attractive field.
Motor Running capacitors are intended for constant obligation and stay fueled at whatever point the motor is controlled, which is the motivation behind why electrolytic capacitors are evaded, and low-misfortune plastic capacitors are used.

इस मोटर में जो रनिंग कैपेसिटर लगेगा उसकी वैल्यू 25 Mfd होगी.
Buy Single Phase Motor Capacitor Here.

The Capacitor Resistance of Running Capacitors is generally lower Than the Starting Capacitors and is frequently in the scope of 1.5 µF to 100 µF. Picking an off-base capacitance incentive to get a motor can prompt a sporadic attractive field, which can be viewed as an unpredictable engine turn speed, particularly under the burden.
This can prompt extra clamour in the motor, execution drops, and expanded vitality admission, notwithstanding an extra warming framework, which may make the motor overheat.
Starting Capacitor.
Motor turnover capacitors are utilized during the motor startup period and are released from the circuit once the rotor arrives at a foreordained speed, which is regularly about 75% of the most extreme rate for that engine type. These capacitors normally have capacitance worth of more than 70 µF. They come in various voltage evaluations, contingent upon the application that they were expected for.

Normally Starting Capacitor Value starts from 60-80 UF Mostly in a 1hp Induction Motor we use an 80- 100 UF starting Capacitor.
1.5 HP Electric Motor Stamping Detail.
- Slot = 36
- Core Length Of Stators = 4 Inch.2 Soot
- Inner Diameter Of Stators = 4 inch
- External Diameter Of Stator = 7 inch 6 Soot.

induction motor

Single phase induction motor diagram.
how to draw a circle diagram of an induction motor? The single phase motor comes with two-wire running twisting and two-wire starting winding.
Two cables will come out of the clutch plate and if the motor is more than two hp, then it will have two wires of a running capacitor and 2 wires of the beginning capacitor.
In the next diagram, we’ve known the Single Stage Motor Connection Diagram in great detail and how you are able to make connections of all of these cables.
1.5 Hp Single Phase Motor Connection Diagram?

1.5Hp Single Phase Induction Motor Winding Video.
1.5Hp Single Phase Induction Motor Winding |1.5Hp Electric Motor |Electric Motor|Ac Motor by Technical Topic.1.5 Hp 1440 Rpm 36 Slot.
what size capacitor for a 1.5hp motor?
in normally we are used a Running and Starting capacitor for Single phase motor.here you already know that we are never use a Running and Starting capacitor for three phase motors.
in 1.5hp we are normally used s 150-200 mfd Starting Capacitor and we have also used a 25 Mfd Running capacitor.
How many amps is a 2 hp motor?
Horse- Power | Amps | Voltage |
2HP | 13.8 Amp | 120 V |
2.5HP | 17.3 Amp | 120 V |
3HP | 20.7Amp | 120 V |
3.5HP | 24.2 Amp | 120 V |
Horse-Power | Amps | Voltage |
1Hp | 4.5 | 220-240 V |
1.5 Hp | 6.8 | 220-240 V |
2Hp | 7.5 | 220-240 V |
3Hp | 9.6 | 220-240 V |
Why a 1.5 Hp Single Phase Induction Motor is not self-starting?
There are so many reasons a single phase induction motor is not self-starting, But the common reason is that in bellow.
If The Capacitor is not working the induction motor is not self starting.
The second reason is The Clutch plate of Single phase motor is Damage and short. The Starting Capacitor is connected with Starting Winding Through Clutch Plate,
so when the Single Phase Induction Motor Clutch Plate is Damage or Disconnect then The single phase induction motor is not self-starting. So You can change the New One Clutch plate to solve the problem.
The third Reason is when the Single phase Induction motor Starting Winding Dead or Disconnect. In that condition, you need to Rewinding the motor.in our post, you can easily know that how you can rewinding the single phase ac motor.
The fourth reason for Single phase induction motor is not self starting When the Motor S bearing gets jammed In that condition you can just change the old bearing with a new one bearing to break the jammed motor.
how many amps does a 2hp motor? Induction motor.
1 unit = 1 kilowatt-hour, for example on the off chance that an electrical machine retains 1 kilowatt of Power to get 60 minutes. Here, we have a 2HP motor. Along these lines, 1 HP to get 24 hours 746×24= 17904 Watt-hour that is proportionate to 17904/1000= 17.904 units.
Here, we have a 1 HP motor. In this way, 1 HP to get 24 hour = 746×24= 17904 Watt-hour that is proportional to 17904/1000= 17.904 units. Thus, 17.904 units of Power will be devoured by the 1HP Induction Motorengine when work persistently for 24 hours.
1 unit = 1 kilowat-hour, for example on the off chance that an electric machine assimilates 1 killowat of Power to get 60 minutes. Here, we have a 2HP motor . In this way, 1 HP to get 24 hours 746×24= 17904 Watt-hour that is proportional to 17904/1000= 17.904 units.
Single-stage enlistment motors aren’t self-beginning with no extra stator winding pushed by an outside of stage present of close to 90°. After began the assistant winding is optional.
In this post we are clearly show all th Single phase motor winding data.you can also take a help of Single phase motor winding.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18dIQoAw56kHow do you wind a single phase motor?
How do you wind a single phase motor?
In this post we are clearly show all th Single phase motor winding data.you can also take a help of Single phase motor winding.
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